The primary mission of the University of Central Florida's Department of Biology is to disseminate the broad body of knowledge known as Biology and to engender an appreciation and understanding of the process by which concepts regarding the structure and behavior of living things have been developed. Therefore, we present current biological concepts in classroom, laboratory, and field settings using a variety of formats and techniques. In addition, we are engaged in ongoing research and scholarly activities that result in the revision or further refinement of biological knowledge and concepts.

At UCF, we challenge students to view Biology not as a compilation of unchanging and absolute facts but rather a way of thinking always subject to revision based on new insights gained from research. Our goal is to foster an understanding of all forms of life and their interactions at levels of integration ranging from molecular to the biosphere. We exist to teach students the scientific method of rational observation, critical analysis, and research discovery upon which contemporary science and clear thinking is based. At the same time, we impart a factual and conceptual foundation for specific life science disciplines included both within and beyond our department.

Field of Focus
Biological Research