This is one the first higher education institutions in America. In its beginning, back in 1728, it was located in the convent of San Juan de Letrán, in the most ancient part of the Villa de San Cristóbal in Havana (Old Havana). In 1902 it was transferred to its present location. On every January 5th the ringing of its smaller bell in its magnum hall celebrates another anniversary of this almost tri-centennial university, the emblem of higher education in Cuba.

Nowadays the university campus surpasses the limits of the stonewalls that once surrounded the hill. New colleges and study centers were created outside the walls in the last decades, as a result of the development achieved by the academy. Twenty-five specialties can be studied here, eight of which are of national character and belong to the three following fields of science: economics, natural and exact sciences, social sciences and humanities.

Field of Focus
Higher Education