Field of Focus
  • Ecology
  • Population Biology
  • Ecological Indicators

Assistant Professor
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Tulane University

We investigate the spatial dynamics of populations, communities and food webs. Theoretical research includes the development and analysis of population network models and the evolution of cannibalism in structured populations. Current research projects include the winter ecology of Tree Swallows in the Southern U.S.A., Migratory Shorebird Ecology along coastal Gulf of Mexico and Spatial Ecology of Blue Crabs in the Gulf of Mexico.

GoMRI-funded projects:

- The Environmental Effects of an Oil Spill on Blue Crabs in the Gulf of Mexico and the Dynamics of Recovery: Integrating Oceanography and Molecular Ecology (Year 3-5 Investigator Grants (RFP-II), Role: Co-Principal Investigator)

- Sampling of Megalopal and Larval Stages of Blue Crabs
Bridge Grants (RFP-III), Role: Principal Investigator, Project Data Point of Contact)

Other oil spill-related project:
- Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Effects on Blue Crab Recruitment (Louisiana Sea Grant)