Area of Expertise
Earthquake Seismology
  • B.A. Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA, USA, 1969
  • M.S. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, 1973
  • Ph.D. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, 1976

Associate Director, Senior Research Scientist

Cliff is one of two associate directors of UTIG. Cliff is an earthquake seismologist with a particular interest and expertise in the study of "deep" earthquakes. One component of his research supports objectives of the Comprehensive (Nuclear) Test Ban Treaty, which many nations are reluctant to sign until better technologies are available for detecting violations. With other researchers at UTIG, Frohlich seeks to develop methods that use inverse theory to more accurately locate small earthquakes or massive explosions with data from a single broadband digital seismograph station. Whereas conventional seismic analysis focuses on phase arrivals only, this new approach exploits the informational wealth of the entire seismic waveform, against which synthetic waveforms generated by sophisticated models may be matched. Recently, Frohlich and fellow UTIG seismologist Jay Pulliam carried out a thorough review of Texas earthquake activity; the two scientists are working with the Texas Department of Emergency Management to develop an earthquake hazard policy that will be appropriate for the state.