  • Ph.D., Zoology, Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1986
  • B.S., Zoology, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 1978

Dr. Dmitri L. Ivanov is leading researcher, curator of aplacoporan, placophoran, and scaphopodan mollusks at the Zoological Museum of Moscow University. He is an expert in taxonomy, morphology and zoogeography of Caudofoveata (a molluskan subclass), and studies general problems of evolution, phylogeny and morpho-functional transformations in the phylum Mollusca.

Relevant to the biota of the Gulf of Mexico, Dr. Ivanov has published the following:

Ivanov, D. L., and A. H. Scheltema. 2008. Western Atlantic Prochaetodermatidae from 35°N south to the Argentine Basin including the Gulf of Mexico (Mollusca: Aplacophora).