Field of Focus
  • Microbiology
Area of Expertise
Coral Reef Health
  • Ph.D. Genetics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Dr. Kim Ritchie is manager of the Marine Microbiology program at Mote Marine Laboratory, Florida. She is a molecular biologist investigating the microbial community structure of Florida coral reefs and its role in disease resistance. Her current studies include molecular-based characterizations of symbiotic microfauna in multiple coral species (mountainous star coral, sea fan corals, threatened elkhorn and staghorn corals) as well as culture-based studies on the production of anti-microbial and anti-fungal compounds produced by bacterial symbionts. Dr. Ritchie is also interested in dinoflagellate-bacterial interactions including the relationship between symbiotic bacteria and the coral dinoflagellate, Symbiodinium sp, and vital interactions between bacterial symbionts and the red tide causing dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis.