Area of Expertise
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry
  • Ph.D. Florida State University, FL, USA, 1970

Three main research projects are underway in Dr. Pierce's laboratory. First, we are investigating the molecular biology of an intracellular symbiosis between the digestive cells of a sea slug (Elysia chlorotica) and algal (Vaucheria litorea) chloroplasts.
Second, we are continuing a decades-long investigation of the biochemical and molecular mechanisms regulating cell volume recovery from osmotic stress, with a particular interest in the salinity tolerance mechanism of marine organisms.
Third, on occasion we investigate sea monsters. Of particular local interest, we determined by biochemical and microscopical analyses on pieces of the 100 year old carcass, that the St. Augustine (FL) giant octopus was in fact merely a piece of whale skin. Similar analyses on pieces of the Bermuda Blob and the Tasmanian West Coast Monster produced similar results. We are collaborating with monster investigators around the world.